This application is a useful FTP program to transfer files form user PC to FTP servers (web) and viceversa.
Files can be downloaded in any order and from any directory or folder of the FTP web site. The application can perform searches by browsing local and FTP sites, even off line
The program automatically reconnects and resumes any transfer going on, exactly where it was interrupted or lost, or when data is not correctly received for a length of time. This feature ensures that huge transfers can be implemented without any user interaction.
Application detects files IP addresses (FTP or HTTP) entered or copied to the clipboard, and it automatically connects and transfers the new file. Synchronization is ensured since the application detects the files that are changed and automatically 'mirrored' to the other end of the connection.
Drag and drop capability allows the user to add files to the site, and the application automatically will transfer them.
Firewall options. Also, user can associate determined sounds to defined operations. Actions can be defined after transfer completion, on connect and when confirmation is completed.